About Chameleon

Collective Home of Autistics: Moving towards Equality through Leadership, Education and Online Networking

Chameleon has been formed to give a voice to women that have autism. Females on the spectrum characteristically do not display all of the same traits as men, however these traits are not included in the diagnosis criteria and these traits are not as commonly recognised, by women on the spectrum, those living with those women, the general public and many healthcare professionals.  Women with autism are typically diagnosed significantly later than their male peers and a delayed diagnosis is not just unfair, it is avoidable. This needs to change and without delay. 

Chameleon aims to: 

  • Raise public knowledge of female autistic traits.
  • Offer a self-diagnostic tool for women that are unsure if they are autistic or not
  • Offer support to those on the spectrum and those that are living with women on the spectrum (such as partners, friends and family)
  • A reassessment of the criteria used to diagnose autism to include female traits.  
  • Encourage women to celebrate their autism and feel confident to be who they are without questioning themselves